Wednesday 4 February 2015

Unit 10. Awareness of Health and Safety in the Creative Media Sector


Describe key elements of health and safety regulations, relevant to working in creative media sector

Within creative media and related industries, there can be many hazards and risks, in this point I will explain a few, though there can be many missed or looked over for such a big topic. A recurring issue is the use of equipment. Some times in Creative Media, the equipment you work with can not only be extremely expensive, but also very heavy. Incorrectly lifting this equipment can cause strain on muscles and tendons, and these are more serious issues than people believe, as tendon injuries can carry on later through life. Another risk is at the office on the computer, whilst not always seen as a risk, sitting incorrectly, and using a keyboard for hours at a time can cause what is known as R.S.I (Repetitive Strain Injury.)

Explain safe working practises for a specific job role in the creative media sector

With any job there come specific risks that often entail to that environment alone. How ever, there are risks everywhere that are preventable and avoidable. To discuss this point I have decided to use is an office worker. In the office there can be many risks, from R.S.I, to basic trip hazards left un-checked. Common sense plays a major role in all industries pertaining health and safety. The best thing to do if any risk at all is spotted through out the building, is to let your higher ups know immediately about the risk, and the danger is proposes on everyone.
Describe the main employer responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act

It is the employers duty to make sure the environment is a friendly and safe one to work inside of, making sure all employees feel safe and welcome within their place of work. It is illegal for employers to send employees into an area they know high hazards and risk are, without first doing all they can to prevent such things, and make the employees aware of the situation. making sure every employee is aware of where all first aid kits and fire exits are is a mandatory, and taking extra precaution to outline any future risks or current ones. The responsibility to make sure every employee knows where to meet in the event of such an emergency evacuation.

Describe the differences between hazards and risks

A hazard is generally something thought of as potential danger, something that can lead to an injury or worse happening if left unchecked. A risk however is the probability that the hazard will lead to injury over the course of time. Using the two in context would sound similar to the following example."Its hazardous to leave loose wires out, it can become a serious risk."
Carry out a risk assessment

The sound pod area tends to suffer from disarray from time to time. It is usually my job to clean and make sure it is in an orderly fashion. This comes with its own risks, such as strenuous lifting, the risk of falling objects, and tripping hazards.

The office is usually a well kept environment, though there are times when it gets busy, and things get left aside, sometimes causing hazards for other members of staff. At times there can be trip hazards, and sharp objects left unattended.

Report identified hazards and risks to the appropriate parties

Upon going over the risk assessment, I have noted where all fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and emergency exits are. On top of this, I have brought up a few minor trivial concerns with those who work in these specific environments.

Suggest ways of reducing risks to health and safety in a specific creative media job role

Using a camera man as an example, they often deal with sensitive heavy equipment, and numerous wires, making sure all loose wires are taped together, with a clearly definitive coloured tape, will make it easier to spot, and less likely that someone would actually fall. In terms of equipment, making sure that every piece of equipment is locked in place carefully, to assure that it won't fall and injure somebody else is critical. At times moving from location to location with all gear loaded can also be problematic, as if the equipment isn't secured in a proper fashion, it could easily swing out of control and injure somebody, or even get broken on the journey. In short, common sense and a strong sense of reason and responsibility are needed to work in any environment, adhering to health and safety laws and regulations make sure that the are well kept and maintained, and all staff members are as happy as Larry.


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