Thursday 30 April 2015

Unit 21: Make a business card, poster or flyer for your employer/client

1.1-4.1  Provide an outline of the brief for the project from your employer.

In this Unit I was tasked with digital creation that could be put to use in and around the building. My employers asked me to create a ticket for an up coming show, I was given a set of instructions and told a bit about the venue. I decided to build this product on Microsoft Publisher, and chose a small blank template to begin. First I looked for a fitting border using the page design tab, making sure I went through a number of choices to see which best fit. In the end, I went for a thin blue rectangle with an in line border inside, thinner and red.

Blank Ticket Template
Ticket with added borders

Next I went for a back ground picture. I was told it needed to be a picture of a Marquee, so I scouted the Internet to find suitable images. After a few test images, I was told to keep it simple, and very easy on colour, so that we didn't need to use much coloured ink. I finally found a fitting image of a small black marquee that fit nicely in the middle of the white back ground. After this, I needed to place the logo's and then most of the imagery would be complete.

Adding the Logo's and imagery through importation
Placing in the Textual information

I adjust the size of the logos and place them in each top corner, tweaking sizes to make sure the borders didn't conflict. Once I was firmly secure with the imagery, I had Alan my employer take a look at the basic layout and images. He was pleased with the progress, and gave me some instructions on where to place the text. I started with the title, placing it above the back ground image in a more stylish font.I made sure I placed the prices, date, location, and time in a different font, beneath the logo's. Once I had done this, I had Alan take another look over my efforts so far, and he gave feedback, telling me to move Soiree under the word Marquee, making sure I moved some of the texts into better places. After I had fulfilled his requests, I highlighted all of the objects on the page and grouped them together, making them all one piece.

Selecting all of the objects, going into drawing format, and grouping them all as one
 After saving it, I went onto the next part, printing. I saved the finalised copy of the ticket as a Jpeg, I was considering making it a bitmap, so to use fewer colours and less memory, though since the ticket would printed on coloured card, I went with Jpeg since the file wasn't very big, and the colour mostly minimal baring the logos and borders. Regarding colour, we were debating on sending them to be printed off by professional in CMYK, though once we had figured that we would only be printing 200 copies, we settled on RGB, and decided to print using just the office printer and some specialised card. After we made these decisions, I went on to paste 12 copies of the ticket onto a blank A4 template, so that when printed onto the card the tickets could easily be cut out.

The final product, printed in colour on blue card.

 A few times we tried different cards, or went back to move a few things around, but once the card was decided, and the objects in place, I cut out two hundred tickets, and then numbered them 1 to 200 on the back, and handed them in. I was then asked to produce a flyer, similar to the ticket, with more information for people to take in. I started work on this much the same way, selecting an A4 blank template. I chose the same border to line the edges, and enlarged the image I used of the Marquee to fit into place. Once I was finished with placing the images, I started on the textual information, putting in address, time, location, funding proceeds which charity they go to, as well as who is performing, and the prices. Once all this information was written, and the placings edited to make sure they were in better positions, I grouped all of the objects together, saved the document as a JPEG, as this file type was best suited for the task, as it is primarily used for design with 24 bit colours, it does degrade and doesn't support transparency, but that wasn't to much of a problem since none was used. I spent some time deliberating on which file type to use, as PNG supports transparency and uses compression that does not degrade. Once saved, I printed out a test copy, and sent a copy of it to my employer, Alan Rutter.
Project brief given by Alan
My reply, and Alan's next request

Final Email with both Designs.
The final part of this unit summarizes the conversations between Alan and my self, as well as housing the feedback I was given once this project was complete down in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Feedback: This is feedback for 4.1: I can appreciate you detailing the project in a real world situation in a step by step point by point fashion, however you need to mention even hypothetically how and why you may need to save content in different file types. Try to mention the advantages and disadvantages of each and their ideal application. 4.1 A brief run down of the things that you feel were successful and an explanation of what you feel could be improved up on is needed just to round things off properly.

    Your screen shots could be smaller and put in an appropriate place to highlight and enhance the essay. I see you have also done another project for a flyer for your boss Alan. I have seen this on the "Media Projects" and this will serve as more good additional evidence.

    Overall the unit as usual is very well represented and you certainly know what you are doing. Complete the actions I have given you to do and we'll call this one done, well done.
