Friday 30 January 2015

Unit 8. Creative Media Industry Awareness


Describe the industries within the creative media sector

Advertising : In this day and age, everything can be marketed and advertised in some manner or another, advertising a large part of the creative media sector, as it gauges who the productions target audience is, and encourages those interested to purchase/view the final production. With advertisements being in everything from phone applications to you tube videos, it doesn't show any sign of diminishing soon.

Entertainment : Entertainment can cover a huge sector of creative media on its own, ranging from everything from television, to radio, to theatrical performances. This sprawling behemoth of a market see's more attention from the public than most, its practically impossible to turn on your television without seeing a promotional trailer, or an advertisement for a new album, or even just logging into Face book or the Internet, or even video games without some form of entertainment being displayed, even art and fashion falls into entertainment.

News/media : Another rather common thing to see in today's world is the staggering amount of corporations who bring us daily information regarding the world around us, national and international, and even local at times. Their are many outlets of news in this day and age, rather than talk about each individual company, I will list commonly seen outlets. Applications being a trending one, why schedule time to watch the news, when you can simply browse through it on your phone. News papers are still as popular as ever, being

Web Design/Graphics Design/3d Software/Animation : A much less talked about, but very existing market is the digital creation sector, a great deal of people go into business offering there skills as designers of 3d models, creating websites, and designing graphics for businesses and individuals. These make up a much larger market than most are aware of, with practically every business almost requiring a website to keep up with the market, there is always someone they need to turn to to get it completed.

Identify Cross-Industry ownership in the creative media sector

Many successful media companies are ran by successful entrepreneurs, an example is Richard Branson, the current owner of Virgin and all subsidiaries. Virgin are one of the worlds most popular forms of entertainment, having massive success in the world of television, they also work as a major phone company, and are even known for working on a commercial space flight project. In short there is no loss in flexibility working at any point in the industry, branching out to explore new financial possibilities as and where you can.

Identify the relevant relationships between a range of industries within the creative media sector

A lot happens within the creative Media industry, to work on a single television episode, you require everything from actors, to sound workers, to editors. The most obvious relations are just how often the entertainment industry works with advertising agencies to get their productions spread. Many advertising companies can use this to their advantage, fleshing out future portfolios, as well as documenting popular content into videos that can go viral. Another good example is the video game industry and the Internet. The two run hand in hand, as video games can be purchased online, played online, advertised online, and even reviewed online. This means that when a project is underway, and another team is brought on to focus on a different aspect, their are benefits to both.


Describe the stages of a specific creative media project life cycle

The beginning of the project is always conceptual, sitting down with others to discuss what kind of project you are undertaking, its affects, its cost, and of course what its major corporate benefits would be. Moving from conceptual thinking, the project would undergo scrutinise detail, planning how much it costs, what resources would be needed, any specialist staff that would be needed, and even advertising and marketing. From there the project actually goes ahead as planned, constantly being monitored for success and anything that will need subtly changing during the actual run. Afterwards, post-reviews checking your data on viewers/consumers, and how successful the entire operation was.

Explain and justify resources required for a specific project

Working within the budget, it's easy to get side tracked and over spend. This is the reason most businesses are extremely meticulous with their budgets. Striking a balance between resources and profit is critical, as everyone working on the project expects to be paid whilst doing so. This means that while the original idea shouldn't be changed to much to suit the budget, it means the type of resources, their costs, and if you can find them cheaper is a great issue. An example, the sound department needs microphone covers in bulk, if its cheaper to buy them from a different supplier, you will take that option to allow more profit, and a more flexible budget towards the more expensive aspects. A good example would be the production of a video game. These require animation teams, 3d designers, storyboard teams, programmers, and even just players to test the game. Its this level of project team work that sees success.


Describe the vision, mission and values of a specific Creative Media Organisation

Taking BBC as an example, BBC is not only one of the most successful media companies out there, but it's international reach and billions of views across the planet are testimony to their ability to adapt to modern times, and flourish further along the entertainment and news market place. They have branched into several radio stations, they also have multiple broad cast stations all around the United Kingdom, and across the world. Their goals have been to bring objective information through daily news reports, as well as bring quality entertainment. They have done things from charity events, to movies, and continue to place out new media content daily.

Describe how a specific creative media organisations is funded, governed and regulated

Using BBC one more, they are financed using their television licensing in the UK, though their parent, BBC Worldwide, they sell DVD's, magazines, and much more. BBC are known not to air advertisements on their stations, though other major Television company's often use advertising as a way of funding. The BBC (and many other television/radio stations.) are regulated routinely, with more mature topics and harsher language being held till after 8:30 PM. This is most commonly known as the watershed.

 Explain the role of a specific team within the organisation
Its is the responsibility for the finance team to handle all cash, electronically or physically. They are given the tasks to serve invoices, log cash going in and out of the building. They are the ones responsible for managing budgets and outcomes, and even determining profits from productions that are under way. They are the sole keepers of the safe containing all of the money for the organisation, and few people have access to it without the finance team being aware of who, and when it was.

Explain the relationship between the specific team and others within the organisation

The finance team are one of the more integral sections of the business, every time a support team member has to log payments, they visit finance. In turn, finance spend a great deal of time tracking monetary issues back to individual customers with the aid of the support team. It is the finance crew that are responsible for all costs regarding instrument purchase, making them a vital part of TVMS.


Explain the individual roles within a specific team

In terms of production teams, there are usually very specific roles governing the main body of that given project. In the finance teams, their are usually payroll managers, who's sole duty is to make sure that every member of staff is getting paid correctly, and how they should be. Another aspect would be the duty to prepare and create financial accounts for use across the network. There is also the possibility that one member of such team has the responsibility to manage and record all financial data, making sure it's organised as it should be. Another role would be to pay out all outstanding bills and processes that require financial assistance. While these roles are flexible, and the person fulfilling them may change once in a while, it is typically structured around who can do what task best.

<------ Team Work

Explain their responsibilities and outputs within a specific project life cycle

Using a gig as an example, the finance team cover a great deal of the operation, from paying to hire the location involved at the venue. They do everything from making sure to cover the cost of any extra equipment, to assuring that all ticket sales are accounted for, making them essential to any given project or production.

Describe examples of interdependence between team members

Again, using the finance team as an example, they often have to band together to find solutions. For instance, the person who's responsibility it is to analyse over all the financial data may find something that doesn't add up, so he/she would then have to go to the member who processes all of the incoming funds, who will know where the money has came from and for what purpose. This ensures that while all members have their own tasks, solving issues that arise can be done quickly.

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