Friday 24 April 2015

Media Projects

The Photocopier

Brief :- In this we were testing out shot types and motifs to tell a story without any dialogue. It's all shot in one room, and is only a few minutes long.

Exposition:- A man walks into his office after a long day of work, having only a few things left to do before leaving, he enters the storage area to use the machine.

Conflict:- The machine doesn't work, and the man goes through various methods to try and get it to work, only to further fail, we used motifs to show the change in the circumstances.

Resolution:- He finds him self unable to fix the machine, and ultimately becomes depressed because of this, the last scene is the man slamming shut the door, in a fit of rage, and he is never seen again.

The Old Farm

Brief:- This film centers around loss and aggravation, we wanted to expand on the previous film using what we learned with motifs and shots, though to add more dialogue and have a more fleshed out story.

Exposition:- Adam enters on the scene of an abandoned farm house, slowly approaching it until he places his hand on a wall. This indicates that he once lived there, and that something awful happened. This mostly shows his emotion towards reflecting on memories, with a few added motifs.

Conflict:- Suddenly Patrick (Played by my self) Enters on the same way Adam came, which would suggest he spotted him before he got there and followed. He begins to shout abuse at Adam about his homeless status, which angers Adam, and forces him to turn around and face the conflict.

Resolution:- Adam and Patrick face off, Patrick pinning Adam to a wall until distracted by one of his own friends, Adam takes advantage of this and tries to flee, shoving Patrick back. Patrick tries to intercept, though Adam swings and knocks Patrick's back, forcing him to fall and stumble into a hole, breaking his leg. This leaves Adam free to flee from the scene, whilst Patrick and his friend are left behind.

The Interview

Brief: This movie is based around the idea of a job interview. Adam played the interviewer, whilst I my self played the interviewee.

Exposition: It begins with Adam waiting for me to arrive to conduct an interview for employment. It goes in to ask questions about prior experience and other typically normal interview questions.

Conflict: This begins when Adam begins to unearth my characters shady background and history in crime, realizing that my character wished to use the job to flee the country.

Resolution: Adam then traps my character, and has him arrested, closing the movie.

Conclusions so far

The knowledge we have learned from filming these two, short pieces has been quite valuable, as it has shown a clear and smooth progression into more complicated filming structure at a slow enough pace for us to clearly understand the developments that we need to achieve. With the first movie having only a couple of scenes and motifs, and the second expanding into the realms of dialogue and off site filming to test us. We already have plans for our next two movies, with hopes of making them further complicated, and expanding on what we have learned.

Flyer Project.

Here I will post additional evidence to unit 21, digital creation. I was tasked with both creating a ticket and a flyer. All of the evidence for unit 21 regarding the ticket will be held on the unit page. In here I will hour additional evidence in the creation of the flyer.

Final Product

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